VTS, or Visual Thinking Strategies, is a great way we can all talk about art and actually learn from it too! The following link can explain more:
So basically, you look closely at a picture (it doesn't have to be a fine work of art that you can only find in a gallery) and ask this question: "What's going on in this picture?" If the person who answers that question gives a simple answer, you can get more information from them by asking, "what do you see that makes you say that?" To keep the conversation going, ask "what more can we find?"
You can find images posted on each grade level's page that go along with what that grade has been learning about recently. I encourage you to leave your comments about the image to start our own, virtual VTS session!
Ott staff, students and families: I invite you to stop by our Visual Thinking Gallery around the corner from the art room! There you will find printed images in a gallery setting to spark conversation with those around you. Have a question about an image? Maybe an interesting observation? How about your own story or experience that goes along with one of the pictures? Feel free to leave a note right next to the picture. Who knows? Maybe your comment will spark a creative thought in someone else!
Love the Visual Art Gallery. Such a cool place to share student art and great learning area too! :)